CPT-FGFL Advertising
The world of dispensaries has been on the edge of its seats, yearning for a way to cultivate authentic customer loyalty. While many attempt to engage customers with in-house promotions or the ever-present point system, these methods often lack a distinctive touch. Enter FreeGanjaForLife.com; a Lifestyle Achievement Club for AI Productivity Training, Digital Entrepreneurship Coaching, Family Entertainment Benefits, and Monthly Cannabis Consumption Vouchers.
A select group of dispensaries will be featured in the Directory for FGFL Dispensaries, launching in the first quarter of 2025. This initiative aims to generate consistent traffic through paid advertising and to gather new customer data using AI solutions. The focus is on reaching productive individuals who seek higher achievement while also enjoying cannabis consumption.
FGFL innovative marketing system enhances referrals and directs traffic to partner locations through the deployment of smart services and entertainment, and the incorporation of AI applications. Members enjoy monthly complimentary cannabis products, while dispensaries benefit from a shared advertising solution, maximizing their reach and success.